Sheryl Hansen
Certified Organic Intelligence Coach
Integration Support by Sheryl
Sheryl Hansen
Organic Intelligence® (OI™) Certified Coach
[ Click the badge below to see credentials ]
Session Rate: $110
Session Length: 50 - 60 minutes
Location: Online
Free 15-minute consultation call for first-time clients
Reach out at with questions or to book a session!
It’s been an honor and a pleasure to serve as facilitator during AYA medicine ceremonies. The dedication to wellbeing I've seen on the part of ceremony participants is inspirational.
Connection with the medicine continues post-ceremony and can bring challenges designed to move us forward. This is part of the process of integration.
I offer support to the integrative impulse using the Organic Intelligence® (OI™) trauma safe framework, a gentle approach to navigating the journey of integration. OI™ Coaching helps us discover our capacities, honor our limits and boundaries, find enjoyment and learn to rest. When life is experienced in this way, our present moment state is nurtured and change has a chance to happen. Session work is gentle, starting where we are in the moment.